hosting is a compulsory thing for publish a website. but hosting providers are charge a very big amount for hosting. today we learn how to get a free 15 GB hosting for 3 websites free, this hosting has a cPanel control panel and a script installer.
for this we first need to create an account in
Create account on
click following button for go infinity free website.
Then you can see the following interface, now click “Register” from top right corner, if you have an account then click “log in“.

Now enter your “email” set a password then confirm password. don’t forget to agree term and condition.
after this click the button “sign Up”
Here a screenshot for better understanding.

after this , Infinity free sent you a verification mail , for verify your email go to your email inbox.
click this button for go to your Email Inbox.
you should find an email from infinity free. open it. you can find a button named “verify Email Address” click this button.
Here a screenshot which get from

By clicking this button, you redirect to your infinity free website dashboard.

From your dashboard, click Create account for create a new hosting account, you can create 3 free hosting account.
you can see deferent hosting plan, choose $0 hoisting for free.

Now you have to choose a domain. for free you should choose a subdomain. your subdomain should be unique.
If your subdomain not unique you will see a red line, then you must Change your subdomain name.
after chose a subdomain now click “check availability” this will check your subdomain availability.

After Clicking “Check Availability” Button You Can see this following interface.

Now you have to fill up some more information, remember,
select ” I approved” in Email consent option.
after this just click create account button

In This step it needs some time to create your brand-new hosting.

If you see this Account with your selected domain in your dash bord, then,
Your Hosting was created. enjoy your 5gb free hosting.
remember, You can create more 2 accounts with 5gb Each in same process.